Fast Fashion is

Killing Our Planet

Brace Yourselves For Impact

The truth is hard to swallow.


The 8 Essential Fast Fashion Statistics

This article was written by Owen Mulhern for

Fast fashion is both an economical and sociological phenomenon that has grown to epic proportions.
What we cut in costs for garments is borne twice over by the planet, and it is absolutely crucial we change our regulations and behaviours. We believe in empowering the people with knowledge, so here is our list of the 8 biggest fast fashion statistics.

1. Clothing production has doubled – garment usage lifetime has decreased

These two statistics are the embodiment of fast fashion. Clothing sales doubled from 100 to 200 billion units a year, while the average number of times an item was worn decreased by 36% overall.

2. More CO2 than aviation and shipping combined

3. More than $500 billion lost every year due to lack of recycling and clothing utilization

Garments given up early and thrown out instead of recycled combine to produce massive wastage, estimated at around $500 billion every year. A large portion occurs on the consumer’s side, but retail stores are just as guilty, often spotted tossing or burning unsold stock.

4. Habits around the world vary

The previous statistics gave a global snapshot of the situation, but fast fashion is more or less prominent depending on where you live.

5. 20% of global wastewater comes from textile dyeing

The fashion industry consumes a monstrous amount of water, around 93 billion cubic metres, leaving much of it contaminated by toxic chemicals. According to the UN Environment Programme, 20% of global wastewater comes from textile dyeing. Because the bulk of the production is in countries with less regulation, the wastewater often finds its way to rivers and seas where it can wreak havoc.

6. We discard 92 million tons of clothes-related waste each year

This next figure on our list of fast fashion statistics can be difficult to grasp, so let us reframe it.

7. Produces half a million tons of microplastics

You’ve surely heard of the plague of microplastics, now seemingly ubiquitous on Earth. They are found everywhere, from the top of Mount Everest, to within the very air we breathe. The oceans are riddled with them, routinely ingested by fish, which are then eaten in turn as the plastic works its way up the food chain.

Garments are a huge source of microplastics because so many are now made of nylon or polyester, both durable and cheap. Each wash and dry cycle, especially the latter, sheds microfilaments that move through our sewage systems and end up in waterways. We estimate that half a million tons of these contaminants reach the ocean each year.

8. You can easily help cut consumer emissions by more than half

It has been shown that by:

  • skipping one in six washing loads,

  • washing half loads at below 30 degrees,

  • and substituting every sixth dryer usage with open-air drying,

We would reduce consumer emissions by more than half.

Introducing the “Fast Fashion Is Killing Our Planet T-Shirt.

Only 50 of these will be produced. Made 100% of recycled fabrics and ethical/non-poluting printing. WIth your investment, we will donate a % to the Ellen McArthur Foundation, as she fights Fast Fashion and implements “Circular Economy” across the world.

Our planet, is suffering
in so many ways.

And we want to be a part of the change, hope you will too. This piece will be made from 100% recycled fabrics. Realizing there’s a problem with Fast Fashion is the beginning but we can do more: recycle your clothes, donate to Goodwill or Salvation Army. We all have a part to play!

That may seem like a complicated set of instructions, but the message is that small cuts or changes of behaviour here and there make a big difference. You can be part of that.

At Faccia, we source our fabrics consciously and with intention. We do not mass produce, each piece gets carefully crafted after you’ve purchased. We’re a part of the change and you can too.

With Love, Vane & Fabri 💋

What's important to you?

Having a new piece to wear every weekend? Or perhaps investing in local vendors,
ethically sourced brands and making a difference for our Planet.

Save your clothes, Donate, Reuse, Shop Local, Thrift but do not give into Fast Fashion.

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A interdisciplinary Atelier,
inspired by Wabi-Sabi,
Italian Cinema
& Garcia-Lorca’s poetry.

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